‘The Square’: L.A. Times Film Critic Kenneth Turan Interviews Director Jehane Noujaim

“The Square” director Jehane Noujaim reveals how she made the Oscar-nominated documentary about Egypt’s revolution, not once, but twice.


“The Jesus Movement” began on the West Coast of the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s, spreading primarily through North America and Europe before dying out by the early 1980s. It was the major Christian element within…

Lou Reed on His Love For CDs and How He Liked ‘Police Academy’

One of rock’s most notorious interviewees, one decade after he first visited New Zealand in the mid-70s, the late Lou Reed was in more expansive mood promoting his 1984 album “New Sensations.”

Running on Fumes in North Dakota

A young woman, lured to North Dakota for a truck-driving job in the oil industry, shares her agonizing existence in an isolated boomtown.

Stealing J. Edgar Hoover’s Secrets

One night in 1971, files were stolen from an F.B.I. office near Philadelphia. They proved that the bureau was spying on thousands of Americans. The case was unsolved, until now.

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