To Catch A Trader: Before the Mets, Steven A. Cohen was a Prick Then Too

Not that long ago, Steven A. Cohen, the owner of the Mets, was being investigated for fraud by the federal government. This Frontline investigation from 2014 tracked the government’s crackdown on insider trading, drawing on exclusively-obtained video of hedge fund…

Wall Street Traders in 1980

David Hoffman: “When I filmed this it looked so new and I saw things I had never seen before. Global financial trading. It now looks so old in some ways and probably, if I went to that spot again, in…

‘Filthy Rich’ Shows the Late Jeffrey Epstein as a Criminal Mastermind

By Gregory Crofton Jeffrey Epstein let the head of his legal team, former Harvard law professor and defense attorney Alan Dershowitz, know he wasn’t satisfied with the plea deal made on his behalf in 2008. Still Epstein agreed to sign…

He Worked for Bernie Madoff and Can’t Find a Job

Laurence Curtis Ward has a stain on his resume. He worked for Bernie Madoff’s firm. (Source: CNN Money)

BIGGER THAN ENRON: Corporate Accounting Scandals of the New Mellenium

PBS’ Frontline looks at the corporate accounting scandals of the early 2000s. How CEOs were out to boost their stock prices by beating Wall Street’s expectations. (Source: Frontline)


Quants are the math wizards and computer programmers in the engine room of our global financial system who designed the financial products that almost crashed Wall street. The credit crunch has shown how the global financial system has become increasingly…
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