Living in a Italian Commune

In the rolling hills of central Italy sits Honeydew, an eco-community created as a direct response to the isolation of the Covid pandemic, enabled by modern technology and aiming to address the profound changes the climate crisis looks set to…

The Hunt for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

The Guardian reporter Martin Chulov visits Sinjar province in Iraq on the trail of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-styled caliph of Islamic State. On the Kurdish frontline with Isis-held territory he hears from local peshmurga commanders on Baghdadi’s movements and…

World’s Biggest Mine: Inside U.S. Coal

Barack Obama’s pledge to cut carbon emissions has not stopped North Antelope Rochelle mine in Wyoming. In fact, production is booming – and climate change is off the agenda. The Guardian’s Suzanne Goldenberg gets a rare look inside the biggest…

How We Cloned Our Dead Dog, a Boxer Named Dylan

Distraught after the death last summer of her much-loved eight-year-old boxer dog Dylan, Laura Jacques and her partner Richard Remde tell how they found a way to keep their pet’s memory alive. (Source: The Guardian)

Gillian Anderson’s Self Portrait

Actor Gillian Anderson analyses her reflection while looking down the lens of the camera and drawing her self-portrait on an iPad. Through this intimate process she reveals her thoughts about her perception of her own beauty, her insecurities and how…

Who is the ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi?

[iframe id=””] This short video from The Guardian explains the life of the leader of ISIS, a terrorist organization bent on killing and raping and spreading its own warped version of Islam.
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