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A new documentary podcast from The Intercept and Topic Studios offers the most detailed account yet of an American who lived and died inside the Islamic State.

ISIS Radicalized My Son

In June 2015, 19-year-old Rasheed Benyahia left for work at the engineering firm in London where he was undergoing an apprenticeship. He never came home. 10 weeks after his disappearance, his family would learn that he had traveled to Syria, where he would…

The Man Who Knew

When the Twin Towers fell on Sept. 11, 2001, among the thousands killed was the one man who may have known more about Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda than any other person in America: John O’Neill. The former head…

Marshall McLuhan on Terrorists Lacking Identity

“All forms of violence are a quest for identity,” Marshall McLulan tells Mike McManus in this television interview from 1977. “Ordinary people find the need for violence as they lose their identities … Terrorists, hijackers, these are people minus identity.…

Who is the ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi?

[iframe id=”https://embed.theguardian.com/embed/video/world/video/2014/nov/13/isis-leader-abu-bakr-al-baghdadi-video”] This short video from The Guardian explains the life of the leader of ISIS, a terrorist organization bent on killing and raping and spreading its own warped version of Islam.

Inside the White House on 9/11

A stark glimpse at history unfolding: The National Archives recently released never-before-seen photos of the Bush administration on 9/11 in response to a FOIA request filed on behalf of FRONTLINE by Colette Neirouz Hanna of the Kirk Documentary Group. Explore…

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