1536 Articles0 Comments

The Native American Kids Who Got $200,000 for Graduating

The Ho-Chunk Nation are a Native American tribe that owns a string of casinos across Wisconsin. Ho-Chunk children get a share of casino profits once they’ve graduated and turned 18. It’s called their 18 Money. When they finish high school,…

‘SCRAPYARD’: Running Through the Music of Chris Whitley

This compilation of interviews, videos and live performances by Chris Whitley does a fine job of showing the wide range of his music. It varies, but tuneful, poetic blues is one way to describe it. Whitley died from lung cancer…

‘LISTEN TO ME MARLON’: Invitation to the Private World of Actor Marlon Brando

By Gregory Crofton Many people today have no idea who Marlon Brando was. But to older generations around the world, Brando was it, the actor’s actor. Magnetic on screen, he revolutionized his profession by replacing tired techniques with a more…

GI JUNKIES: The Forgotten Veterans

Vietnam veterans physically and psychologically wounded received no hero’s welcome because of their drug addictions. GI Bill, educational benefits as well as medical benefits were not available to them. All they came back home to were heroin and methadone on…

Diving for Scallops

This short documentary profiles a fisherman in Maine who practices a fading craft: diving for sea scallops on the ocean floor. (Source: The New York Times)
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