Interview with Anthony Bourdain

An adventurous documenter of international food culture, Anthony Bourdain was the host of CNN’s Parts Unknown, a chef, prolific food author, speaker, and one of Fast Company’s Most Creative People. Here, we sat down and talked with him about his…

Aldous Huxley on Technodictators

“If you want to preserve your power indefinitely, you have to get the consent of the ruled” — Aldous Huxley Interview by Mike Wallace on May 18, 1958, from the Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas at Austin…

‘Is England Still Influencing America?’: Christopher Hitchens on William F. Buckley’s ‘Firing Line’

“Firing Line” was an American public affairs show founded and hosted by conservative William F. Buckley, Jr., founder and publisher of National Review magazine. Its 1,504 episodes over 33 years made “Firing Line” the longest-running public affairs show in television…
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