Cameras Capture ‘JANE’ Fonda’s Disappointment on Broadway

By Gregory Crofton Robert Drew worked with Time Life in the early 1960s to invent a documentary form known as direct cinema or cinéma vérité. Ten largely unseen films from Drew Associates are now available to stream from the SundanceNow…

Giant of Documentary Film, Robert Drew Completed a Feature About Wife Before His Death

By Gregory Crofton Robert Drew, who invented a new way to tell stories with a camera called American cinéma vérite, also known as direct cinema, kept working right up until his death at 90. “His mind was clear until the…


The summer of 1960 was a critical moment in the history of film, when the fly-on-the-wall documentary was born. “The Camera that Changed the World” tells the story of the filmmakers and ingenious engineers who led this revolution by building…
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