Residents fight to Protect Their Homes and Diverse Culture in ‘There Goes the Neighborhood’

By Gregory Crofton Director Ian Phillips did the work many of us think we ought to do in “There Goes the Neighborhood,” a new 75-minute doc about a community’s historic defeat of Amazon and its push to establish headquarters in…

Tangled Up with Dylan: The Ballad of AJ Weberman

In 2006, A.J. Weberman, along with some of his former students, appeared in a documentary film about his exploits as a Dylanologist. The film includes a performance by Peel and Weberman of “The Ballad of A. J. Weberman,” a tribute…

Coney Island – ‘Under the Roller Coaster’

To thousands, the Thunderbolt Roller Coaster was a Coney Island icon, but for Mae Timpano it was home. This enchanting film examines the true-life experience of one woman and her unique relationship to Coney Island living under the famed Thunderbolt…

‘First Call’ is About Drinking In Manhattan at 8 AM

A 50-minute documentary about people from Manhattan who liked to drink in bars during the morning. Most New York City bards during that era offered “first calls” ie. the bar opened and would/could serve you alcohol starting at 8 a.m.…
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